Hey y'all!
So week 4 is done!
This week we were covering mostly all the different features that were introduced into Javascript as of Ecmascript 6!
Some of the coolest features are things like:
2. Object destrucuturing, which is a much easier to read method of getting at the values that are stored inside of a javascript object! It's kinda hard to describe what I mean by text so I'll just drop a code block here for you to see it in action!
3. Arrow Functions, which are probably the cleanest looking change that came in the new features! They introduce a new syntax (and technically a new behavior) for functions! They work almost exactly the same way as older functions but you no longer need to use the function keyword to get it to work. Here's a code block to show what I mean!
There are a ton of other features and you can certainly read about them over here, but ultimately they all serve one purpose and that's making our lives as developers easier!
Onwards and upwards